Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk. (ANTAM) was formed as a state-owned company in 1968 and was publicly listed in 1997. The company is primarily owned by the government of Indonesia (65%). The company is listed on both the Jakarta and Australian stock exchanges, and is therefore subject to international standards in its operations and corporate governance.
ANTAM is involved in exploration as well as development and production of minerals, which are concentrated on nickel, gold, precious metals and bauxite across Indonesia. Operations include joint ventures with international mining companies as well as wholly independent projects. ANTAM operations are vertically integrated and cover mining, refining, smelting and marketing. ANTAM has reported a 10% increase in revenues for 2010, up from US$701mn in September 2009
Asisten Ahli Akuntansi
* D3 Accounting Education
* Minimum GPA 3:00
* Maximum age 30 years
* Willing to be placed in the Antam Business Unit Antam Java
Please send CV and complete application file no later than May 24, 2011 to:
By writing email subject: "D3 Akuntansi PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk"
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